17 years |
tim |
added a note for a future fix
17 years |
tim |
releasing 0.9.0
17 years |
tim |
fixed an incorrect malloc in range_list.c
minor documentation updates
17 years |
tim |
fixed minor path/type filter bug in reglookup
misc code cleanups
17 years |
tim |
added some references
17 years |
tim |
adding reglookup-recover man page
17 years |
tim |
improved security record extraction
other minor cleanups
17 years |
tim |
reordered orphaned value extraction to be faster and more accurate
17 years |
tim |
fixed major bug in reglookup-recover; now recovers much more data …
17 years |
tim |
added a few hacks to work around some issues.
17 years |
tim |
fixed null pointer dereference
17 years |
tim |
fixed some VK record parsing bugs
added more strict checking on …
17 years |
tim |
added path resolution to reglookup-recover
17 years |
tim |
Switched license to GPLv3
Added early version of new tool, …
17 years |
tim |
moved unallocated cell parsing back out of the main line hbin parsing
17 years |
tim |
reworked SK record caching to prevent unnecessary loads.
SK records …
17 years |
tim |
added least-recently-used cache structure.
set up SK records to use …
17 years |
tim |
removed redundant hbin parsing
added flags parameter to regfi_open
17 years |
tim |
replaced linked list hbin lookup with range_list based binary search
17 years |
tim |
fully removed dependence on Samba parse structures from core library
17 years |
tim |
replaced lf (hash list) parsing code
17 years |
tim |
rewrote value list parsing routine
17 years |
tim |
simplified root key search routines
rewrote sk record parsing
fixed …
17 years |
tim |
rewrote VK record and data cell parsing
17 years |
tim |
fixed integer underflow bug
updated some documentation
17 years |
tim |
fixed a range_list bug
replaced NK parsing routine
17 years |
tim |
adding experimental library which will be used to speed up hbin lookups
17 years |
tim |
begun the work of rewriting the lowest layer parsing routines
18 years |
tim |
last minute fixes for filter bugs
18 years |
tim |
fixing the fix on value filters
18 years |
tim |
Fixed edge condition bug when finding a value at the end of the list …
18 years |
tim |
Fixed stupid bug in the case of searching for a value.
18 years |
tim |
Releasing 0.4.0
18 years |
tim |
added documentation for reglookup-timeline's -H option.
18 years |
tim |
minor changes to Makefiles
Added one warning on an unlikely condition …
18 years |
tim |
Added contract comments to void_stack header. Minor cleanups in …
18 years |
tim |
Fixed a lazy NULL printing to work properly on Solaris.
Switched …
18 years |
tim |
added minor documentation on ACE flags to regfi.c
vastly expanded …
18 years |
tim |
updated TODO
18 years |
tim |
updated upcoming version number
18 years |
tim |
rearranged structure contents to reduce fragmentation on 64 bit …
18 years |
tim |
fixed minor memory leak.
18 years |
tim |
bugfixes for path filtering
18 years |
tim |
Finished incorporating changes to reglookup to work with new regfi …
18 years |
tim |
Major API updates for regfi, and started porting reglookup to the API. …
18 years |
tim |
renamed regfio to regfi, since we aren't doing any output to the registry.
18 years |
tim |
beginning process of rewriting regfio interface.
18 years |
tim |
Improved support for unknown registry types.
Fixed potential security …
18 years |
tim |
Added parsing of ACE permissions field. Minor improvement to flags …
19 years |
tim |
releasing 0.3.0
19 years |
tim |
small fix for stupid bug
19 years |
tim |
fixes for Makefiles to support FreeBSD's iconv
19 years |
tim |
Added QWORD type support.
19 years |
tim |
added additional warnings for broken registry entries.
19 years |
tim |
made iconv parameter types more correct.
19 years |
tim |
Improved interfaces to some low-layer value formatting functions. …
19 years |
tim |
added usage printout to reglookup-timeline
cut left over unused junk …
19 years |
tim |
fixed install bug for reglookup-timeline
19 years |
tim |
fixed quoting bug in key names
fixed unicode decoding and string …
19 years |
tim |
fixed a bug in types
added paranoid checks in smb_deps to prevent …
19 years |
tim |
Added reglookup-timeline man page.
Fixed issues in reglookup man …
19 years |
tim |
converted source of man page to Docbook XML.
19 years |
tim |
Added initial version of reglookup-timeline
19 years |
tim |
various minor speedups and memory leak fixes. Added support for NONE …
19 years |
tim |
Releasing 0.2.2
19 years |
tim |
Updated version
Code format cleanup, some comments added.
19 years |
tim |
fixed DWORD output bugs
added support for DWORD_BE (big endian)
20 years |
tim |
released 0.2.1
20 years |
tim |
fixed another stupid type filtering bug
20 years |
tim |
fixed a type filtering bug, and a verbosity print order bug
20 years |
tim |
Added some verbose output
code cleanup and minor bug fixes
20 years |
tim |
Moved security descriptor parsing functions into regfio.c
Improved …
20 years |
tim |
fixed a double-free bug which FreeBSD (but not Linux) catches and …
20 years |
tim |
fixed makefile for new releases naming scheme
20 years |
tim |
releasing version 0.2
20 years |
tim |
updated documentation
20 years |
tim |
fixed segfault when valuenames are NULL
20 years |
tim |
added options to enable/disable header row
20 years |
tim |
removed forgotten debugging printf
20 years |
tim |
updated man page for version 0.2
20 years |
tim |
minor changes to command line option parsing
fixed some warnings with …
20 years |
tim |
Fixed memory allocation and string issues in ACL code.
Fixed bug with …
20 years |
tim |
Changed to a CSV-like output format to accommodate extended fields
20 years |
tim |
Added full printing of values, as with old code.
renamed type …
20 years |
tim |
Added type filtering to new reglookup.
Changed -f option to -p, since …
20 years |
tim |
small cleanups, added some free() calls.
fixed top-level Makefile to …
20 years |
tim |
Cleaned up path2Stack. Added several supporting functions in …
20 years |
tim |
Added basic command line argument parsing. Only prefix_filter option …
20 years |
tim |
replaced reglookup.c with test driver lib-regfio.c
updated relevant …
20 years |
tim |
deleted old reglookup source to make room for new source.
20 years |
tim |
changed name of man page building release target
20 years |
tim |
Fixed some bugs.
rewrote testing code to allow for a path filter …
20 years |
tim |
Added key name retrieval to test utility
Code formatting changes to …
20 years |
tim |
Added new lightweight stack library
rewrote test program to use this …
20 years |
tim |
Added initial version of regfio interface, borrowed from Samba …
20 years |
tim |
released version 0.1.2
20 years |
tim |
minor formatting fix.
20 years |
tim |
updated Makefile after reglookup.txt was renamed to reglookup.1.t2t
20 years |
tim |
Moved developer documentation under doc/devel
Fixed a bug with man …
20 years |
tim |
Fixed some *BSD installation issues. (I think.)