20 years |
tim |
updated Makefile after reglookup.txt was renamed to reglookup.1.t2t
20 years |
tim |
Moved developer documentation under doc/devel
Fixed a bug with man …
20 years |
tim |
Fixed some *BSD installation issues. (I think.)
20 years |
tim |
Bugfix Release
20 years |
tim |
fixed bug in build system
removed -ggdb option
20 years |
tim |
Added Id property expansion.
20 years |
tim |
Moved release packaging target to higher-level Makefile outside of …
20 years |
tim |
Added INSTALL documentation
Made Makefile slightly more flexible.
20 years |
tim |
Adjusted .release target after moving project under trunk/ and …
20 years |
tim |
Initial release 0.1
20 years |
tim |
moved project under trunk. (I am a subversion newbie.)
20 years |
tim |
added release directory to repository, for official releases
20 years |
tim |
minor man page tweak.
20 years |
tim |
Tweaked main Makefile.
Cleaned up command line options & …
20 years |
tim |
Made installation paths more configurable.
Added man page symlinking …
20 years |
tim |
updated some property values
added developer TODO documentation
20 years |
tim |
Added .release target and install target to make files.
20 years |
tim |
Decided to remove this from the SVN tree. Will be generated with …
20 years |
tim |
Added documentation. Using txt2tags right now to generate man pages, …
20 years |
tim |
Sped up type filtering by converting string types to integers up front …
20 years |
tim |
Fixed a bug in output.
Improved typing output.
Added type filter …
20 years |
tim |
Updated MULTI_SZ output. Strings are now '|' delimited and quoted.
20 years |
tim |
Added top-level make file, with most of src/Makefile's functionality. …
20 years |
tim |
Now handling MULTI_SZ types by printing a list of converted strings, …
20 years |
tim |
expanded makefile to compile into build/ (more to come)
20 years |
tim |
added ID tags
20 years |
tim |
imported initial version of project, based on previous work.