11/25/12 18:44:45 (12 years ago)

rewrote POA library to be more stateful, and more frugal with numbers of requests

1 edited


  • lib/bletchley/PaddingOracle/DecryptionOracle.py

    r12 r15  
    44Copyright (C) 2010 ELOI SANFÈLIX
     5Copyright (C) 2012 Timothy D. Morgan
    56@author: Eloi Sanfelix < eloi AT limited-entropy.com >
     7@author: Timothy D. Morgan < tmorgan {a} vsecurity . com >
    79 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    3335    _thread_result = None
     36    _oracle = None
     37    _ciphertext = None
     38    _iv = None
     39    _decrypted = None
    3440    max_threads = None
    3541    log_fh = None
    37     def __init__(self, oracle, block_size=8, max_threads=1, log_file=None):
     43    def __init__(self, oracle, block_size, ciphertext, iv=None, max_threads=1, log_file=None):
    3844        '''
    3945        Creates a new DecryptionOracle object. Receives an oracle function which returns True
    4147        parameter defining the cipher block size in bytes is also supported (default is 8).
    4248        '''
    43         self.oracle = oracle
    44         self.block_size = block_size
     49        if(len(ciphertext)%block_size != 0 or len(ciphertext) < block_size):
     50            raise InvalidBlockError(block_size,len(ciphertext))
     51        if(iv != None and len(iv)%block_size != 0):
     52            raise InvalidBlockError(block_size,len(iv))
     54        self._oracle = oracle
     55        self._block_size = block_size
     56        self._ciphertext = ciphertext
     57        self._iv = iv
     58        self._decrypted = ''
    4559        self.max_threads = max_threads
    4660        self.log_fh = log_file
    49     def log_message(self, message):
     63    def log_message(self, s):
    5064        if self.log_fh != None:
    51             self.log_fh.write(message+'\n')
    54     def probe_padding(self, blob, iv=None):
    55         final = blob[0-self.block_size:]
    56         prior = blob[0-2*self.block_size:0-self.block_size]
    57         if len(blob) <= self.block_size:
    58             # If only one block present, then try to use an IV
    59             if iv!=None:
    60                 self.log_message("Only one block present, using IV as scratch pad")
    61                 prior = iv
    62             else:
    63                 self.log_message("Only one block present, using 0 block as scratch pad")
    64                 prior = '\x00'*self.block_size
     65            self.log_fh.write(s+'\n')
     68    def probe_padding(self, prior, final):
     69        '''
     70        Attempts to verify that a CBC padding oracle exists and then determines the
     71        pad value.  Returns the pad string, or None on failure.
     72        XXX: Currently only works for PKCS 5/7.
     73        '''
     74        ret_val = None
    6675        # First probe for beginning of pad
    67         for i in range(0-self.block_size,0):
     76        for i in range(0-self._block_size,0):
    6877            if i == -1:
    6978                break
    7079            tweaked = struct.unpack("B", prior[i])[0] ^ 0xFF
    7180            tweaked = struct.pack("B", tweaked)
    72             if not self.oracle(blob+prior[:i]+tweaked+prior[i+1:]+final):
     81            if not self._oracle(self._ciphertext+prior[:i]+tweaked+prior[i+1:]+final):
    7382                break
    8089            tweaked = struct.unpack("B", prior[-1])[0] ^ (pad_length^1)
    8190            tweaked = struct.pack("B", tweaked)
    82             if self.oracle(blob+prior[:-1]+tweaked+final):
    83                 return pad_length
    84             else:
    85                 return None
     91            if self._oracle(self._ciphertext+prior[:-1]+tweaked+final):
     92                ret_val = buffertools.pkcs7Pad(pad_length)
    8694        else:
    8795            # Verify by changing pad byte to 2 and brute-force changing
    92100                guess = struct.unpack("B", prior[-2])[0] ^ j
    93101                guess = struct.pack("B", guess)
    94                 if self.oracle(blob+prior[:-2]+guess+tweaked+final):
    95                     print("verified padding through decryption")
    96                     return pad_length
    98             return None
    101     def decrypt_last_bytes(self,block):
    102         '''
    103         Decrypts the last bytes of block using the oracle.
    104         '''
    105         if(len(block)!=self.block_size):
    106             raise InvalidBlockError(self.block_size,len(block))
    108         #First we get some random bytes
    109         #rand = [random.getrandbits(8) for i in range(self.block_size)]
    110         rand = [0 for i in range(self.block_size)]
    112         for b in range(256):
    114             #XOR with current guess
    115             rand[-1] ^= b
    116             #Generate padding string   
    117             randStr = "".join([ struct.pack("B",i) for i in rand ] )
    118             if(self.oracle(randStr+block)):
    119                 break
    120             else:
    121                 #Remove current guess
    122                 rand[-1] ^= b
    124         #Now we have a correct padding, test how many bytes we got!
    125         for i in range(self.block_size-1):
    126             #Modify currently tested byte
    127             rand[i] = rand[i]^0x01
    128             randStr = "".join([ struct.pack("B",j) for j in rand ] )
    129             if(not self.oracle(randStr+block)):
    130                 #We got a hit! Byte i is also part of the padding
    131                 paddingLen = self.block_size-i
    132                 #Correct random i
    133                 rand[i] = rand[i]^0x01
    134                 #Return paddingLen final bytes
    135                 return "".join([ struct.pack("B",i^paddingLen) for i in rand[-paddingLen:]])
    137             #Nothing to do when there is no hit. This byte is useless then.
    139         #Could only recover 1 byte. Return it.   
    140         return "".join(struct.pack("B",rand[-1]^0x01))
    143     def _test_value_set(self, prefix, base, suffix, value_set):
     102                if self._oracle(self._ciphertext+prior[:-2]+guess+tweaked+final):
     103                    # XXX: Save the decrypted byte for later
     104                    ret_val = buffertools.pkcs7Pad(pad_length)
     106        if ret_val:
     107            self._decrypted = ret_val
     109        return ret_val
     112    # XXX: This could be generalized as a byte probe utility for a variety of attacks
     113    def _test_value_set(self, prefix, suffix, value_set):
    144114        for b in value_set:
    145             if(self.oracle(prefix+struct.pack("B",base^b)+suffix)):
    146                 self._thread_result = base^b
    147                 break
    150     def decrypt_next_byte(self,block,known_bytes):
    151         '''
    152         Given some known final bytes, decrypts the next byte using the padding oracle.
    153         '''
    154         if(len(block)!=self.block_size):
     115            if self._thread_result != None:
     116                # Stop if another thread found the result
     117                break
     118            if self._oracle(str(prefix+struct.pack("B",b)+suffix)):
     119                self._thread_result = b
     120                break
     123    def decrypt_next_byte(self, prior, block, known_bytes):
     124        '''
     125        Given some known final bytes, decrypts the next byte using the padding oracle.
     126        prior -
     127        block -
     128        known_bytes -
     129        '''
     130        if(len(block)!=self._block_size):
    155131            raise InvalidBlockError
    156132        numKnownBytes = len(known_bytes)
    158         if(numKnownBytes >= self.block_size):
     134        if(numKnownBytes >= self._block_size):
    159135            return known_bytes
    161         #rand = [random.getrandbits(8) for i in range(self.block_size-numKnownBytes)]
    162         rand = [0 for i in range(self.block_size-numKnownBytes)]
    163         prefix = struct.pack("B"*len(rand[0:-1]),*rand[0:-1])
    164         suffix = list(struct.unpack("B"*numKnownBytes, known_bytes))
     137        prior_prefix = prior[0:self._block_size-numKnownBytes-1]
     138        base = ord(prior[self._block_size-numKnownBytes-1])
     139        # Adjust known bytes to appear as a PKCS 7 pad
     140        suffix = [0]*numKnownBytes
    165141        for i in range(0,numKnownBytes):
    166             suffix[i] ^= numKnownBytes+1
     142            suffix[i] ^= ord(prior[0-numKnownBytes+i])^ord(known_bytes[i])^(numKnownBytes+1)
    167143        suffix = struct.pack("B"*len(suffix),*suffix)+block
    169         # Now we do same trick again to find next byte.
     145        # Each thread spawned searches a subset of the next byte's
     146        # 256 possible values
    170147        self._thread_result = None
    171148        threads = []
    172149        for i in range(0,self.max_threads):
    173150            t = threading.Thread(target=self._test_value_set,
    174                                  args=(prefix, rand[-1], suffix, range(i,255,self.max_threads)))
     151                                 args=(self._ciphertext+prior_prefix, suffix, range(i,256,self.max_threads)))
    175152            t.start()
    176153            threads.append(t)
    182159            raise Exception
     161        decrypted = struct.pack("B",self._thread_result^base^(numKnownBytes+1))
     162        self._decrypted = decrypted + self._decrypted
    184163        #  Return previous bytes together with current byte
    185         return struct.pack("B",self._thread_result^(numKnownBytes+1))+known_bytes       
    186         #return "".join([struct.pack("B",rand[i]^(numKnownBytes+1)) for i in range(self.block_size-numKnownBytes-1,self.block_size)])
    189     def decrypt_block(self,block):
     164        return decrypted+known_bytes
     167    def decrypt_block(self, prior, block, last_bytes=''):
    190168        '''
    191169        Decrypts the block of ciphertext provided as a parameter.
    192170        '''
    193         bytes = self.decrypt_last_bytes(block)
    194         while(len(bytes)!=self.block_size):
    195             bytes = self.decrypt_next_byte(block,bytes)
    196         return bytes
    199     def decrypt_message(self,ctext, iv = None):
     171        while(len(last_bytes)!=self._block_size):
     172            last_bytes = self.decrypt_next_byte(prior, block, last_bytes)
     173        return last_bytes
     176    # XXX: Enable recovery in case of intermittent failure by storing state of
     177    #      partial decryption on object
     178    # XXX: Add option to strip padding from message
     179    def decrypt(self):
    200180        '''
    201181        Decrypts a message using CBC mode. If the IV is not provided, it assumes a null IV.
    202182        '''
    203         #Recover first block
    204         result = self.decrypt_block(ctext[0:self.block_size])
    206         #XOR IV if provided, else we assume zero IV.
    207         if( iv != None):
    208             result = self.xor_strings(result, iv)
    210         #Recover block by block, XORing with previous ctext block
    211         for i in range(self.block_size,len(ctext),self.block_size):
    212             prev = ctext[i-self.block_size:i]
    213             current = self.decrypt_block(ctext[i:i+self.block_size])
    214             result += self.xor_strings(prev,current)
    215         return result
    218     def xor_strings(self,s1,s2):
    219         result = ""
    220         for i in range(len(s1)):
    221             result += struct.pack("B",ord(s1[i])^ord(s2[i]))
    222         return result
    225     def hex_string(self,data):
    226         return "".join([ hex(ord(i))+" " for i in data])
     183        blocks = buffertools.splitBuffer(self._ciphertext, self._block_size)
     185        final = blocks[-1]
     186        iv = self._iv
     187        if iv == None:
     188            iv = '\x00'*self._block_size
     189        if len(blocks) == 1:
     190            # If only one block present, then try to use IV as prior
     191            prior = iv
     192        else:
     193            prior = blocks[-2]
     195        # Decrypt last block, starting with padding (quicker to decrypt)
     196        pad_bytes = self.probe_padding(prior, final)
     197        decrypted = self.decrypt_block(prior, final, pad_bytes)
     198        print(repr(decrypted))
     200        # Now decrypt all other blocks except first block
     201        for i in range(len(blocks)-2, 0, -1):
     202            decrypted = self.decrypt_block(blocks[i-1], blocks[i]) + decrypted
     204        # Finally decrypt first block
     205        decrypted = self.decrypt_block(iv, blocks[0]) + decrypted
     207        return decrypted
     210    def encrypt_block(self, plaintext, ciphertext):
     211        if len(plaintext) != self._block_size or len(plaintext) != len(ciphertext):
     212            raise InvalidBlockError(self._block_size,len(plaintext))
     214        ptext = self.decrypt_block('\x00'*self._block_size, ciphertext)
     215        prior = buffertools.xorBuffers(ptext, plaintext)
     216        return prior,ciphertext
     219    # XXX: Add option to encrypt only the last N blocks.  Supplying a shorter
     220    #      plaintext and subsequent concatenation can easily achieve this as well...
     221    def encrypt(self,plaintext):
     222        blocks = buffertools.splitBuffer(buffertools.pkcs7PadBuffer(plaintext, self._block_size),
     223                                         self._block_size)
     225        if (len(self._decrypted) >= self._block_size
     226            and len(self._ciphertext) >= 2*self._block_size):
     227            # If possible, reuse work from prior decryption efforts on original
     228            # message for last block
     229            old_prior = self._ciphertext[0-self._block_size*2:0-self._block_size]
     230            final_plaintext = self._decrypted[0-self._block_size:]
     231            prior = buffertools.xorBuffers(old_prior,
     232                                           buffertools.xorBuffers(final_plaintext, blocks[-1]))
     233            ciphertext = self._ciphertext[0-self._block_size:]
     234        else:
     235            # Otherwise, select a random last block and generate the prior block
     236            ciphertext = struct.pack("B"*self._block_size,
     237                                     *[random.getrandbits(8) for i in range(self._block_size)])
     238            prior,ciphertext = self.encrypt_block(blocks[-1], ciphertext)
     240        # Continue generating all prior blocks
     241        for i in range(len(blocks)-2, -1, -1):
     242            prior,cblock = self.encrypt_block(blocks[i],prior)
     243            ciphertext = cblock+ciphertext
     245        # prior as IV
     246        return str(prior),str(ciphertext)
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