# # ChangeLog for trunk/test # # Generated by Trac 1.2 # 03/15/25 00:56:00 Sun, 31 Jul 2005 01:46:51 GMT tim [36] * trunk/Makefile (modified) * trunk/lib/Makefile (modified) * trunk/src/Makefile (modified) * trunk/src/reglookup.c (moved) * trunk/test/Makefile (deleted) replaced reglookup.c with test driver lib-regfio.c updated relevant ... Sun, 17 Jul 2005 19:03:02 GMT tim [33] * trunk/include/void_stack.h (modified) * trunk/lib/regfio.c (modified) * trunk/lib/void_stack.c (modified) * trunk/test/lib-regfio.c (modified) Fixed some bugs. rewrote testing code to allow for a path filter ... Sat, 16 Jul 2005 23:16:17 GMT tim [32] * trunk/include/regfio.h (modified) * trunk/include/smb_deps.h (modified) * trunk/lib/regfio.c (modified) * trunk/test/lib-regfio.c (modified) Added key name retrieval to test utility Code formatting changes to ... Sat, 16 Jul 2005 19:05:19 GMT tim [31] * trunk/include/regfio.h (modified) * trunk/include/smb_deps.h (modified) * trunk/include/void_stack.h (added) * trunk/lib/Makefile (added) * trunk/lib/regfio.c (modified) * trunk/lib/smb_deps.c (modified) * trunk/lib/void_stack.c (added) * trunk/test/Makefile (modified) * trunk/test/lib-regfio.c (modified) Added new lightweight stack library rewrote test program to use ... Sat, 16 Jul 2005 14:31:27 GMT tim [30] * trunk/include (added) * trunk/include/byteorder.h (added) * trunk/include/regfio.h (added) * trunk/include/smb_deps.h (added) * trunk/lib (added) * trunk/lib/regfio.c (added) * trunk/lib/smb_deps.c (added) * trunk/test/Makefile (added) * trunk/test/lib-regfio.c (added) Added initial version of regfio interface, borrowed from Samba ... Sat, 04 Jun 2005 22:08:03 GMT tim [17] * trunk (added) * trunk/LICENSE (moved) * trunk/Makefile (moved) * trunk/bin (moved) * trunk/build (moved) * trunk/doc (moved) * trunk/doc/Makefile (copied) * trunk/doc/TODO (copied) * trunk/doc/man (copied) * trunk/doc/references.txt (copied) * trunk/doc/reglookup.txt (copied) * trunk/src (moved) * trunk/src/reglookup.c (copied) * trunk/test (moved) moved project under trunk. (I am a subversion newbie.) Fri, 18 Feb 2005 03:22:23 GMT tim [1] * bin (added) * build (added) * doc (added) * src (added) * src/Makefile (added) * src/reglookup.c (added) * test (added) imported initial version of project, based on previous work.