# # ChangeLog for trunk/lib/Makefile # # Generated by Trac 1.2 # 12/22/24 13:06:47 Tue, 29 Apr 2008 18:17:48 GMT tim [108] * trunk/include/lru_cache.h (added) * trunk/include/regfi.h (modified) * trunk/lib/Makefile (modified) * trunk/lib/lru_cache.c (added) * trunk/lib/regfi.c (modified) added least-recently-used cache structure. set up SK records to use ... Sat, 01 Mar 2008 06:55:16 GMT tim [98] * trunk/Makefile (modified) * trunk/include/range_list.h (added) * trunk/lib/Makefile (modified) * trunk/lib/range_list.c (added) adding experimental library which will be used to speed up hbin lookups Wed, 17 Jan 2007 16:47:39 GMT tim [81] * trunk/Makefile (modified) * trunk/include/regfi.h (modified) * trunk/include/void_stack.h (modified) * trunk/lib/Makefile (modified) * trunk/lib/regfi.c (modified) * trunk/lib/void_stack.c (modified) * trunk/src/reglookup.c (modified) Finished incorporating changes to reglookup to work with new regfi ... Mon, 31 Jul 2006 01:15:56 GMT tim [73] * trunk/Makefile (modified) * trunk/lib/Makefile (modified) * trunk/src/Makefile (modified) fixes for Makefiles to support FreeBSD's iconv Sun, 31 Jul 2005 01:46:51 GMT tim [36] * trunk/Makefile (modified) * trunk/lib/Makefile (modified) * trunk/src/Makefile (modified) * trunk/src/reglookup.c (moved) * trunk/test/Makefile (deleted) replaced reglookup.c with test driver lib-regfio.c updated relevant ... Sat, 16 Jul 2005 19:05:19 GMT tim [31] * trunk/include/regfio.h (modified) * trunk/include/smb_deps.h (modified) * trunk/include/void_stack.h (added) * trunk/lib/Makefile (added) * trunk/lib/regfio.c (modified) * trunk/lib/smb_deps.c (modified) * trunk/lib/void_stack.c (added) * trunk/test/Makefile (modified) * trunk/test/lib-regfio.c (modified) Added new lightweight stack library rewrote test program to use ...