#!/usr/bin/env python ## @package pyregfi.winsec # Low-level data structures for winsec library # import sys import os import uuid import ctypes import ctypes.util from ctypes import * from .structures import regfi is_win32 = hasattr(ctypes, 'windll') WINSEC_MAX_SUBAUTHS = 15 if is_win32: libc = cdll.msvcrt else: libc = cdll.LoadLibrary("libc.so.6") class WINSEC_UUID(Structure): pass class WINSEC_DOM_SID(Structure): pass class WINSEC_ACE(Structure): pass class WINSEC_ACL(Structure): pass class WINSEC_DESC(Structure): pass WINSEC_UUID._fields_ = [('time_low', c_uint32), ('time_mid', c_uint16), ('time_hi_and_version', c_uint16), ('clock_seq', c_uint8*2), ('node', c_uint8*6), ] WINSEC_DOM_SID._fields_ = [('sid_rev_num', c_uint8), ('num_auths', c_uint8), ('id_auths', c_uint8*6), ('sub_auths', c_uint32*WINSEC_MAX_SUBAUTHS), ] WINSEC_ACE._fields_ = [('type', c_uint8), ('flags', c_uint8), ('size', c_uint16), ('access_mask', c_uint32), ('obj_flags', c_uint32), ('obj_guid', POINTER(WINSEC_UUID)), ('inh_guid', POINTER(WINSEC_UUID)), ('trustee', POINTER(WINSEC_DOM_SID)), ] WINSEC_ACL._fields_ = [('revision', c_uint16), ('size', c_uint16), ('num_aces', c_uint32), ('aces', POINTER(POINTER(WINSEC_ACE))), ] WINSEC_DESC._fields_ = [('revision', c_uint8), ('sbz1', c_uint8), ('control', c_uint16), ('off_owner_sid', c_uint32), ('off_grp_sid', c_uint32), ('off_sacl', c_uint32), ('off_dacl', c_uint32), ('owner_sid', POINTER(WINSEC_DOM_SID)), ('grp_sid', POINTER(WINSEC_DOM_SID)), ('sacl', POINTER(WINSEC_ACL)), ('dacl', POINTER(WINSEC_ACL)), ] regfi.winsec_sid2str.argtypes = [POINTER(WINSEC_DOM_SID)] regfi.winsec_sid2str.restype = POINTER(c_char) def _guid2uuid(guid): if not guid: return None return uuid.UUID(fields=(guid.contents.time_low, guid.contents.time_mid, guid.contents.time_hi_and_version, guid.contents.clock_seq[0], guid.contents.clock_seq[1], guid.contents.node[0]<<40 ^ guid.contents.node[1]<<32 ^ guid.contents.node[2]<<24 ^ guid.contents.node[3]<<16 ^ guid.contents.node[4]<<8 ^ guid.contents.node[5])) ## Represents a Microsoft access control entry, which are elements of access # control lists # # @note # This interface is subject to change class ACE(object): ## The type of entry as an integer type = 1234 ## The flags as an integer flags = 0x1234 ## The access mask/permissions as an integer access_mask = 0x1234 ## The trustee's SID as a string trustee = "S-1-2..." ## The object GUID as a Python UUID # May be None object = uuid.UUID(fields=(0x12345678, 0x1234, 0x5678, 0x12, 0x34, 0x567812345678)) ## The inherited object GUID as a Python UUID # May be None inherited_object = uuid.UUID(fields=(0x12345678, 0x1234, 0x5678, 0x12, 0x34, 0x567812345678)) def __init__(self, ace): # Just copy all of the values out so we don't need to manage memory self.object = _guid2uuid(ace.obj_guid) self.inherited_object = _guid2uuid(ace.inh_guid) c_str = regfi.winsec_sid2str(ace.trustee) self.trustee = ctypes.cast(c_str, c_char_p).value.decode('utf-8', 'replace') libc.free(c_str) self.type = int(ace.type) self.flags = int(ace.flags) self.access_mask = int(ace.access_mask) class SecurityDescriptor(object): ## The security descriptor's owner SID, as a string owner = "S-1-2-..." ## The security descriptor's group SID, as a string group = "S-1-2-..." ## A list of @ref ACE objects which represents the System ACL # May be None if a sacl isn't defined sacl = [] ## A list of @ref ACE objects which represents the User ACL # May be None if a dacl isn't defined dacl = [] def __init__(self, sec_desc): c_str = regfi.winsec_sid2str(sec_desc.owner_sid) self.owner = ctypes.cast(c_str, c_char_p).value.decode('utf-8', 'replace') libc.free(c_str) c_str = regfi.winsec_sid2str(sec_desc.grp_sid) self.group = ctypes.cast(c_str, c_char_p).value.decode('utf-8', 'replace') libc.free(c_str) # XXX: add checks for NULL pointers self.sacl = None if sec_desc.sacl: self.sacl = [] for i in range(0,sec_desc.sacl.contents.num_aces): self.sacl.append(ACE(sec_desc.sacl.contents.aces[i].contents)) self.dacl = None if sec_desc.dacl: self.dacl = [] for i in range(0,sec_desc.dacl.contents.num_aces): self.dacl.append(ACE(sec_desc.dacl.contents.aces[i].contents)) # Free class objects used for documentation del ACE.type,ACE.flags,ACE.access_mask,ACE.object,ACE.inherited_object del SecurityDescriptor.owner,SecurityDescriptor.group,SecurityDescriptor.sacl,SecurityDescriptor.dacl