#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import traceback import ctypes import ctypes.util from ctypes import * # XXX: can we always be sure enums are this size? REGFI_ENCODING = c_uint32 REGFI_DATA_TYPE = c_uint32 # Prototype everything first so we don't have to worry about reference order class REGFI_NTTIME(Structure): pass class REGFI_VK(Structure): pass class REGFI_SK(Structure): pass class REGFI_SUBKEY_LIST(Structure): pass class REGFI_VALUE_LIST(Structure): pass class REGFI_CLASSNAME(Structure): pass class REGFI_DATA(Structure): pass class REGFI_NK(Structure): pass class REGFI_ITERATOR(Structure): pass class REGFI_FILE(Structure): pass class REGFI_RAW_FILE(Structure): fh = None def cb_seek(self, raw_file, offset, whence): try: self.fh.seek(offset, whence) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() # XXX: os.EX_IOERR may not be available on Windoze set_errno(os.EX_IOERR) return -1 return self.fh.tell() def cb_read(self, raw_file, buf, count): try: # XXX: anyway to do a readinto() here? tmp = self.fh.read(count) memmove(buf,tmp,len(tmp)) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() # XXX: os.EX_IOERR may not be available on Windoze set_errno(os.EX_IOERR) return -1 return len(tmp) # XXX: how can we know for sure the size of off_t and size_t? seek_cb_type = CFUNCTYPE(c_int64, POINTER(REGFI_RAW_FILE), c_uint64, c_int, use_errno=True) read_cb_type = CFUNCTYPE(c_int64, POINTER(REGFI_RAW_FILE), POINTER(c_char), c_uint64, use_errno=True) REGFI_NTTIME._fields_ = [('low', c_uint32), ('high', c_uint32)] REGFI_VK._fields_ = [('offset', c_uint32), ('cell_size', c_uint32), ('name', c_char_p), ('name_raw', POINTER(c_char)), ('name_length', c_uint16), ('hbin_off', c_uint32), ('data_size', c_uint32), ('data_off', c_uint32), ('type', REGFI_DATA_TYPE), ('magic', c_char * 2), ('flags', c_uint16), ('unknown1', c_uint16), ('data_in_offset', c_bool), ] REGFI_SK._fields_ = [('offset', c_uint32), ('cell_size', c_uint32), ('sec_desc', c_void_p), #XXX ('hbin_off', c_uint32), ('prev_sk_off', c_uint32), ('next_sk_off', c_uint32), ('ref_count', c_uint32), ('desc_size', c_uint32), ('unknown_tag', c_uint16), ('magic', c_char * 2), ] REGFI_NK._fields_ = [('offset', c_uint32), ('cell_size', c_uint32), ('values', POINTER(REGFI_VALUE_LIST)), ('subkeys', POINTER(REGFI_SUBKEY_LIST)), ('flags', c_uint16), ('magic', c_char * 2), ('mtime', REGFI_NTTIME), ('name_length', c_uint16), ('classname_length', c_uint16), ('name', c_char_p), ('name_raw', POINTER(c_char)), ('parent_off', c_uint32), ('classname_off', c_uint32), ('max_bytes_subkeyname', c_uint32), ('max_bytes_subkeyclassname', c_uint32), ('max_bytes_valuename', c_uint32), ('max_bytes_value', c_uint32), ('unknown1', c_uint32), ('unknown2', c_uint32), ('unknown3', c_uint32), ('unk_index', c_uint32), ('num_subkeys', c_uint32), ('subkeys_off', c_uint32), ('num_values', c_uint32), ('values_off', c_uint32), ('sk_off', c_uint32), ] REGFI_SUBKEY_LIST._fields_ = [('offset', c_uint32), ('cell_size', c_uint32), ('num_children', c_uint32), ('num_keys', c_uint32), ('elements', c_void_p), ('magic', c_char * 2), ('recursive_type', c_bool), ] REGFI_VALUE_LIST._fields_ = [('offset', c_uint32), ('cell_size', c_uint32), ('num_children', c_uint32), ('num_values', c_uint32), ('elements', c_void_p), ] REGFI_CLASSNAME._fields_ = [('offset', c_uint32), ('interpreted', c_char_p), ('raw', POINTER(c_char)), ('size', c_uint16), ] class REGFI_DATA__interpreted(Union): _fields_ = [('none',POINTER(c_char)), ('string', c_char_p), ('expand_string', c_char_p), ('binary',POINTER(c_char)), ('dword', c_uint32), ('dword_be', c_uint32), ('link', c_char_p), ('multiple_string', POINTER(c_char_p)), ('qword', c_uint64), ('resource_list',POINTER(c_char)), ('full_resource_descriptor',POINTER(c_char)), ('resource_requirements_list',POINTER(c_char)), ] REGFI_DATA._fields_ = [('offset', c_uint32), ('type', REGFI_DATA_TYPE), ('size', c_uint32), ('raw', POINTER(c_char)), ('interpreted_size', c_uint32), ('interpreted', REGFI_DATA__interpreted), ] REGFI_FILE._fields_ = [('magic', c_char * 4), ('sequence1', c_uint32), ('sequence2', c_uint32), ('mtime', REGFI_NTTIME), ('major_version', c_uint32), ('minor_version', c_uint32), ('type', c_uint32), ('format', c_uint32), ('root_cell', c_uint32), ('last_block', c_uint32), ('cluster', c_uint32), ] REGFI_RAW_FILE._fields_ = [('seek', seek_cb_type), ('read', read_cb_type), ('cur_off', c_uint64), ('size', c_uint64), ('state', c_void_p), ]