#!/usr/bin/env python ## @package pyregfi # Python interface to the regfi library. # ## @mainpage API Documentation # # The pyregfi module provides a Python interface to the @ref regfi Windows # registry library. # # The library operates on registry hives, each of which is contained within a # single file. To get started, one must first open the registry hive file with # the open() or file() Python built-in functions (or equivalent) and then pass # the resulting file object to pyregfi. For example: # @code # >>> import pyregfi # >>> fh = open('/mnt/win/c/WINDOWS/system32/config/system', 'rb') # >>> myHive = pyregfi.Hive(fh) # @endcode # # Using this Hive object, one can begin investigating what top-level keys # exist by starting with the root Key attribute: # @code # >>> for key in myHive.root.subkeys: # ... print(key.name) # ControlSet001 # ControlSet003 # LastKnownGoodRecovery # MountedDevices # Select # Setup # WPA # @endcode # # From there, accessing subkeys and values by name is a simple matter of: # @code # >>> myKey = myHive.root.subkeys['Select'] # >>> myValue = myKey.values['Current'] # @endcode # # The data associated with a Value can be obtained through the fetch_data() # method: # @code # >>> print(myValue.fetch_data()) # 1 # @endcode # # While useful for simple exercises, using the subkeys object for deeply nested # paths is not efficient and doesn't make for particularly attractive code. # Instead, a special-purpose HiveIterator class is provided for simplicity of # use and fast access to specific known paths: # @code # >>> myIter = pyregfi.HiveIterator(myHive) # >>> myIter.descend(['ControlSet001','Control','NetworkProvider','HwOrder']) # >>> myKey = myIter.current_key() # >>> print(myKey.values['ProviderOrder'].fetch_data()) # RDPNP,LanmanWorkstation,WebClient # @endcode # # The first two lines above can be simplified in some "syntactic sugar" provided # by the Hive.subtree() method. Also, as one might expect, the HiveIterator # also acts as an iterator, producing keys in a depth-first order. # For instance, to traverse all keys under the ControlSet003\\Services key, # printing their names as we go, we could do: # @code # >>> for key in Hive.subtree(['ControlSet003','Services']): # >>> print(key.name) # Services # Abiosdsk # abp480n5 # Parameters # PnpInterface # ACPI # [...] # @endcode # # Note that "Services" was printed first, since the subtree is traversed as a # "preordering depth-first" search starting with the HiveIterator's current_key(). # As one might expect, traversals of subtrees stops when all elements in a # specific subtree (and none outside of it) have been traversed. # # For more information, peruse the various attributes and methods available on # the Hive, HiveIterator, Key, Value, and Security classes. # # @note @ref regfi is a read-only library by design and there # are no plans to implement write support. # # @note At present, pyregfi has been tested with Python versions 2.6 and 3.1 # # @note Developers strive to make pyregfi thread-safe. # # @note Key and Value names are case-sensitive in regfi and pyregfi # import sys import time import ctypes import ctypes.util import threading from pyregfi.structures import * ## An enumeration of registry Value data types # # @note This is a static class, there is no need to instantiate it. # Just access its attributes directly as DATA_TYPES.SZ, etc class DATA_TYPES(object): ## None / Unknown NONE = 0 ## String SZ = 1 ## String with %...% expansions EXPAND_SZ = 2 ## Binary buffer BINARY = 3 ## 32 bit integer (little endian) DWORD = 4 # DWORD, little endian ## 32 bit integer (little endian) DWORD_LE = 4 ## 32 bit integer (big endian) DWORD_BE = 5 # DWORD, big endian ## Symbolic link LINK = 6 ## List of strings MULTI_SZ = 7 ## Unknown structure RESOURCE_LIST = 8 ## Unknown structure FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR = 9 ## Unknown structure RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST = 10 ## 64 bit integer QWORD = 11 # 64-bit little endian ## An enumeration of log message types # # @note This is a static class, there is no need to instantiate it. # Just access its attributes directly as LOG_TYPES.INFO, etc class LOG_TYPES(object): ## Informational messages, useful in debugging INFO = 0x01 ## Non-critical problems in structure parsing or intepretation WARN = 0x04 ## Major failures ERROR = 0x10 def _buffer2bytearray(char_pointer, length): if length == 0 or char_pointer == None: return None ret_val = bytearray(length) for i in range(0,length): ret_val[i] = char_pointer[i][0] return ret_val def _strlist2charss(str_list): ret_val = [] for s in str_list: ret_val.append(s.encode('utf-8', 'replace')) ret_val = (ctypes.c_char_p*(len(str_list)+1))(*ret_val) # Terminate the char** with a NULL pointer ret_val[-1] = 0 return ret_val def _charss2strlist(chars_pointer): ret_val = [] i = 0 s = chars_pointer[i] while s != None: ret_val.append(s.decode('utf-8', 'replace')) i += 1 s = chars_pointer[i] return ret_val ## Retrieves messages produced by regfi during parsing and interpretation # # The regfi C library may generate log messages stored in a special thread-safe # global data structure. These messages should be retrieved periodically or # after each major operation by callers to determine if any errors or warnings # should be reported to the user. Failure to retrieve these could result in # excessive memory consumption. def GetLogMessages(): msgs = regfi.regfi_log_get_str() if not msgs: return '' return msgs.decode('utf-8') ## Sets the types of log messages to record # # @param log_types A sequence of message types that regfi should generate. # Message types can be found in the LOG_TYPES enumeration. # # @return True on success, False on failure. Failures are rare, but could # indicate that global logging is not operating as expected. # # Example: # @code # SetLogMask((LOG_TYPES.ERROR, LOG_TYPES.WARN, LOG_TYPES.INFO)) # @endcode # # The message mask is a global (all hives, iterators), thread-specific value. # For more information, see @ref regfi_log_set_mask. # def SetLogMask(log_types): mask = 0 for m in log_types: mask |= m return regfi.regfi_log_set_mask(mask) ## Abstract class for most objects returned by the library class _StructureWrapper(object): _hive = None _base = None def __init__(self, hive, base): if not hive: raise Exception("Could not create _StructureWrapper," + " hive is NULL. Current log:\n" + GetLogMessages()) if not base: raise Exception("Could not create _StructureWrapper," + " base is NULL. Current log:\n" + GetLogMessages()) self._hive = hive self._base = base # Memory management for most regfi structures is taken care of here def __del__(self): regfi.regfi_free_record(self._hive.file, self._base) # Any attribute requests not explicitly defined in subclasses gets passed # to the equivalent REGFI_* structure defined in structures.py def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._base.contents, name) ## Test for equality # # Records returned by pyregfi may be compared with one another. For example: # @code # >>> key2 = key1.subkeys['child'] # >>> key1 == key2 # False # >>> key1 != key2 # True # >>> key1 == key2.get_parent() # True # @endcode def __eq__(self, other): return (type(self) == type(other)) and (self.offset == other.offset) def __ne__(self, other): return (not self.__eq__(other)) class Key(): pass class Value(): pass ## Registry security record and descriptor # XXX: Access to security descriptors not yet implemented class Security(_StructureWrapper): pass ## Abstract class for ValueList and SubkeyList class _GenericList(object): _hive = None _key_base = None _length = None _current = None # implementation-specific functions for SubkeyList and ValueList _fetch_num = None _find_element = None _get_element = None _constructor = None def __init__(self, key): if not key: raise Exception("Could not create _GenericList; key is NULL." + "Current log:\n" + GetLogMessages()) if not regfi.regfi_reference_record(key._hive.file, key._base): raise Exception("Could not create _GenericList; memory error." + "Current log:\n" + GetLogMessages()) self._key_base = key._base self._length = self._fetch_num(self._key_base) self._hive = key._hive def __del__(self): regfi.regfi_free_record(self._hive.file, self._key_base) ## Length of list def __len__(self): return self._length ## Retrieves a list element by name # # @return the first element whose name matches, or None if the element # could not be found def __getitem__(self, name): index = ctypes.c_uint32() if isinstance(name, str): name = name.encode('utf-8') if name != None: name = create_string_buffer(bytes(name)) if self._find_element(self._hive.file, self._key_base, name, byref(index)): return self._constructor(self._hive, self._get_element(self._hive.file, self._key_base, index)) raise KeyError('') def get(self, name, default): try: return self[name] except KeyError: return default def __iter__(self): self._current = 0 return self def __next__(self): if self._current >= self._length: raise StopIteration('') elem = self._get_element(self._hive.file, self._key_base, ctypes.c_uint32(self._current)) self._current += 1 return self._constructor(self._hive, elem) # For Python 2.x next = __next__ ## The list of subkeys associated with a Key # # This attribute is both iterable: # @code # for k in myKey.subkeys: # ... # @endcode # and accessible as a dictionary: # @code # mySubkey = myKey.subkeys["keyName"] # @endcode # # @note SubkeyLists should never be accessed directly and only exist # in association with a parent Key object. Do not retain references to # SubkeyLists. Instead, access them via their parent Key at all times. class SubkeyList(_GenericList): _fetch_num = regfi.regfi_fetch_num_subkeys _find_element = regfi.regfi_find_subkey _get_element = regfi.regfi_get_subkey ## The list of values associated with a Key # # This attribute is both iterable: # @code # for v in myKey.values: # ... # @endcode # and accessible as a dictionary: # @code # myValue = myKey.values["valueName"] # @endcode # # @note ValueLists should never be accessed directly and only exist # in association with a parent Key object. Do not retain references to # ValueLists. Instead, access them via their parent Key at all times. class ValueList(_GenericList): _fetch_num = regfi.regfi_fetch_num_values _find_element = regfi.regfi_find_value _get_element = regfi.regfi_get_value ## Registry key # These represent registry keys (@ref REGFI_NK records) and provide # access to their subkeys, values, and other metadata. # # @note Value instances may provide access to more than the attributes # documented here. However, undocumented attributes may change over time # and are not officially supported. If you need access to an attribute # not shown here, see pyregfi.structures. class Key(_StructureWrapper): ## A @ref ValueList object representing the list of Values # stored on this Key values = None ## A @ref SubkeyList object representing the list of subkeys # stored on this Key subkeys = None ## The raw Key name as an uninterpreted bytearray name_raw = (b"...") ## The name of the Key as a (unicode) string name = "..." ## The absolute file offset of the Key record's cell in the Hive file offset = 0xCAFEBABE ## This Key's last modified time represented as the number of seconds # since the UNIX epoch in UTC; similar to what time.time() returns modified = 1300000000.123456 ## The NK record's flags field flags = 0x10110001 def __init__(self, hive, base): super(Key, self).__init__(hive, base) self.values = ValueList(self) self.subkeys = SubkeyList(self) def __getattr__(self, name): if name == "name": ret_val = super(Key, self).__getattr__(name) if ret_val == None: ret_val = self.name_raw else: ret_val = ret_val.decode('utf-8', 'replace') elif name == "name_raw": ret_val = super(Key, self).__getattr__(name) length = super(Key, self).__getattr__('name_length') ret_val = _buffer2bytearray(ret_val, length) elif name == "modified": ret_val = regfi.regfi_nt2unix_time(byref(self._base.contents.mtime)) else: ret_val = super(Key, self).__getattr__(name) return ret_val ## Retrieves the Security properties for this key def fetch_security(self): return Security(self._hive, regfi.regfi_fetch_sk(self._hive.file, self._base)) ## Retrieves the class name for this key # # Class names are typically stored as UTF-16LE strings, so these are decoded # into proper python (unicode) strings. However, if this fails, a bytearray # is instead returned containing the raw buffer stored for the class name. # # @return The class name as a string or bytearray. None if a class name # doesn't exist or an unrecoverable error occurred during retrieval. def fetch_classname(self): ret_val = None cn_p = regfi.regfi_fetch_classname(self._hive.file, self._base) if cn_p: cn_struct = cn_p.contents if cn_struct.interpreted: ret_val = cn_struct.interpreted.decode('utf-8', 'replace') else: ret_val = _buffer2bytearray(cn_struct.raw, cn_struct.size) regfi.regfi_free_record(self._hive.file, cn_p) return ret_val ## Retrieves this key's parent key # # @return The parent's Key instance or None if current key is root # (or an error occured) def get_parent(self): if self.is_root(): return None parent_base = regfi.regfi_get_parentkey(self._hive.file, self._base) if parent_base: return Key(self._hive, parent_base) return None def is_root(self): return (self._hive.root == self) ## Registry value (metadata) # # These represent registry values (@ref REGFI_VK records) and provide # access to their associated data. # # @note Value instances may provide access to more than the attributes # documented here. However, undocumented attributes may change over time # and are not officially supported. If you need access to an attribute # not shown here, see pyregfi.structures. class Value(_StructureWrapper): ## The raw Value name as an uninterpreted bytearray name_raw = (b"...") ## The name of the Value as a (unicode) string name = "..." ## The absolute file offset of the Value record's cell in the Hive file offset = 0xCAFEBABE ## The length of data advertised in the VK record data_size = 0xCAFEBABE ## An integer which represents the data type for this Value's data # Typically this value is one of 12 types defined in @ref DATA_TYPES, # but in some cases (the SAM hive) it may be used for other purposes type = DATA_TYPES.NONE ## The VK record's flags field flags = 0x10110001 ## Retrieves the Value's data according to advertised type # # Data is loaded from its cell(s) and then interpreted based on the data # type recorded in the Value. It is not uncommon for data to be stored with # the wrong type or even with invalid types. If you have difficulty # obtaining desired data here, use @ref fetch_raw_data(). # # @return The interpreted representation of the data as one of several # possible Python types, as listed below. None if any failure # occurred during extraction or conversion. # # @retval string for SZ, EXPAND_SZ, and LINK # @retval int for DWORD, DWORD_BE, and QWORD # @retval list(string) for MULTI_SZ # @retval bytearray for NONE, BINARY, RESOURCE_LIST, # FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR, and RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST # def fetch_data(self): ret_val = None data_p = regfi.regfi_fetch_data(self._hive.file, self._base) if not data_p: return None data_struct = data_p.contents if data_struct.interpreted_size == 0: ret_val = None elif data_struct.type in (DATA_TYPES.SZ, DATA_TYPES.EXPAND_SZ, DATA_TYPES.LINK): # Unicode strings ret_val = data_struct.interpreted.string.decode('utf-8', 'replace') elif data_struct.type in (DATA_TYPES.DWORD, DATA_TYPES.DWORD_BE): # 32 bit integers ret_val = data_struct.interpreted.dword elif data_struct.type == DATA_TYPES.QWORD: # 64 bit integers ret_val = data_struct.interpreted.qword elif data_struct.type == DATA_TYPES.MULTI_SZ: ret_val = _charss2strlist(data_struct.interpreted.multiple_string) elif data_struct.type in (DATA_TYPES.NONE, DATA_TYPES.RESOURCE_LIST, DATA_TYPES.FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR, DATA_TYPES.RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST, DATA_TYPES.BINARY): ret_val = _buffer2bytearray(data_struct.interpreted.none, data_struct.interpreted_size) regfi.regfi_free_record(self._hive.file, data_p) return ret_val ## Retrieves raw representation of Value's data # # @return A bytearray containing the data # def fetch_raw_data(self): ret_val = None # XXX: should we load the data without interpretation instead? data_p = regfi.regfi_fetch_data(self._hive.file, self._base) if not data_p: return None data_struct = data_p.contents ret_val = _buffer2bytearray(data_struct.raw, data_struct.size) regfi.regfi_free_record(self._hive.file, data_p) return ret_val def __getattr__(self, name): ret_val = super(Value, self).__getattr__(name) if name == "name": if ret_val == None: ret_val = self.name_raw else: ret_val = ret_val.decode('utf-8', 'replace') elif name == "name_raw": length = super(Value, self).__getattr__('name_length') ret_val = _buffer2bytearray(ret_val, length) return ret_val # Avoids chicken/egg class definitions. # Also makes for convenient code reuse in these lists' parent classes. SubkeyList._constructor = Key ValueList._constructor = Value ## Represents a single registry hive (file) class Hive(): file = None raw_file = None _root = None ## The root Key of this Hive root = None ## This Hives's last modified time represented as the number of seconds # since the UNIX epoch in UTC; similar to what time.time() returns modified = 1300000000.123456 ## First sequence number sequence1 = 12345678 ## Second sequence number sequence2 = 12345678 ## Major version major_version = 1 ## Minor version minor_version = 5 # XXX: Possibly add a second or factory function which opens a # hive file for you ## Constructor # # @param fh A Python file object. The constructor first looks for a valid # fileno attribute on this object and uses it if possible. # Otherwise, the seek and read methods are used for file # access. # # @note Supplied file must be seekable def __init__(self, fh): # The fileno method may not exist, or it may throw an exception # when called if the file isn't backed with a descriptor. fn = None try: # XXX: Native calls to Windows filenos don't seem to work. # Need to investigate why. if not is_win32 and hasattr(fh, 'fileno'): fn = fh.fileno() except: pass if fn != None: self.file = regfi.regfi_alloc(fn, REGFI_ENCODING_UTF8) if not self.file: # XXX: switch to non-generic exception raise Exception("Could not open registry file. Current log:\n" + GetLogMessages()) else: fh.seek(0) self.raw_file = structures.REGFI_RAW_FILE() self.raw_file.fh = fh self.raw_file.seek = seek_cb_type(self.raw_file.cb_seek) self.raw_file.read = read_cb_type(self.raw_file.cb_read) self.file = regfi.regfi_alloc_cb(pointer(self.raw_file), REGFI_ENCODING_UTF8) if not self.file: # XXX: switch to non-generic exception raise Exception("Could not open registry file. Current log:\n" + GetLogMessages()) def __getattr__(self, name): if name == "root": # XXX: This creates reference loops. Need to cache better inside regfi #if self._root == None: # self._root = Key(self, regfi.regfi_get_rootkey(self.file)) #return self._root return Key(self, regfi.regfi_get_rootkey(self.file)) elif name == "modified": return regfi.regfi_nt2unix_time(byref(self._base.contents.mtime)) return getattr(self.file.contents, name) def __del__(self): regfi.regfi_free(self.file) if self.raw_file != None: self.raw_file = None def __iter__(self): return HiveIterator(self) ## Creates a @ref HiveIterator initialized at the specified path in # the hive. # # @param path A list of Key names which represent an absolute path within # the Hive # # @return A @ref HiveIterator which is positioned at the specified path. # # @exception Exception If the path could not be found/traversed def subtree(self, path): hi = HiveIterator(self) hi.descend(path) return hi ## A special purpose iterator for registry hives # # Iterating over an object of this type causes all keys in a specific # hive subtree to be returned in a depth-first manner. These iterators # are typically created using the @ref Hive.subtree() function on a @ref Hive # object. # # HiveIterators can also be used to manually traverse up and down a # registry hive as they retain information about the current position in # the hive, along with which iteration state for subkeys and values for # every parent key. See the @ref up and @ref down methods for more # information. class HiveIterator(): _hive = None _iter = None _iteration_root = None _lock = None def __init__(self, hive): self._iter = regfi.regfi_iterator_new(hive.file) if not self._iter: raise Exception("Could not create iterator. Current log:\n" + GetLogMessages()) self._hive = hive self._lock = threading.RLock() def __getattr__(self, name): self._lock.acquire() ret_val = getattr(self._iter.contents, name) self._lock.release() return ret_val def __del__(self): self._lock.acquire() regfi.regfi_iterator_free(self._iter) self._lock.release() def __iter__(self): self._lock.acquire() self._iteration_root = None self._lock.release() return self def __next__(self): self._lock.acquire() if self._iteration_root == None: self._iteration_root = self.current_key().offset elif not regfi.regfi_iterator_down(self._iter): up_ret = regfi.regfi_iterator_up(self._iter) while (up_ret and not regfi.regfi_iterator_next_subkey(self._iter)): if self._iteration_root == self.current_key().offset: self._iteration_root = None self._lock.release() raise StopIteration('') up_ret = regfi.regfi_iterator_up(self._iter) if not up_ret: self._iteration_root = None self._lock.release() raise StopIteration('') # XXX: Use non-generic exception if not regfi.regfi_iterator_down(self._iter): self._lock.release() raise Exception('Error traversing iterator downward.'+ ' Current log:\n'+ GetLogMessages()) regfi.regfi_iterator_first_subkey(self._iter) ret_val = self.current_key() self._lock.release() return ret_val # For Python 2.x next = __next__ # XXX: Should add sanity checks on some of these traversal functions # to throw exceptions if a traversal/retrieval *should* have worked # but failed for some reason. ## Descends the iterator to a subkey # # Descends the iterator one level to the current subkey, or a subkey # specified by name. # # @param subkey_name If specified, locates specified subkey by name # (via find_subkey()) and descends to it. # # @return True if successful, False otherwise def down(self, subkey_name=None): ret_val = None if subkey_name == None: self._lock.acquire() ret_val = regfi.regfi_iterator_down(self._iter) else: if name != None: name = name.encode('utf-8') self._lock.acquire() ret_val = (regfi.regfi_iterator_find_subkey(self._iter, name) and regfi.regfi_iterator_down(self._iter)) self._lock.release() return ret_val ## Causes the iterator to ascend to the current Key's parent # # @return True if successful, False otherwise # # @note The state of current subkeys and values at this level in the tree # is lost as a side effect. That is, if you go up() and then back # down() again, current_subkey() and current_value() will return # default selections. def up(self): self._lock.acquire() ret_val = regfi.regfi_iterator_up(self._iter) self._lock.release() return ret_val ## Selects first subkey of current key # # @return A Key instance for the first subkey. # None on error or if the current key has no subkeys. def first_subkey(self): ret_val = None self._lock.acquire() if regfi.regfi_iterator_first_subkey(self._iter): ret_val = self.current_subkey() self._lock.release() return ret_val ## Selects first value of current Key # # @return A Value instance for the first value. # None on error or if the current key has no values. def first_value(self): ret_val = None self._lock.acquire() if regfi.regfi_iterator_first_value(self._iter): ret_val = self.current_value() self._lock.release() return ret_val ## Selects the next subkey in the current Key's list # # @return A Key instance for the next subkey. # None if there are no remaining subkeys or an error occurred. def next_subkey(self): ret_val = None self._lock.acquire() if regfi.regfi_iterator_next_subkey(self._iter): ret_val = self.current_subkey() self._lock.release() return ret_val ## Selects the next value in the current Key's list # # @return A Value instance for the next value. # None if there are no remaining values or an error occurred. def next_value(self): ret_val = None self._lock.acquire() if regfi.regfi_iterator_next_value(self._iter): ret_val = self.current_value() self._lock.release() return ret_val ## Selects the first subkey which has the specified name # # @return A Key instance for the selected key. # None if it could not be located or an error occurred. def find_subkey(self, name): if name != None: name = name.encode('utf-8') ret_val = None self._lock.acquire() if regfi.regfi_iterator_find_subkey(self._iter, name): ret_val = self.current_subkey() self._lock.release() return ret_val ## Selects the first value which has the specified name # # @return A Value instance for the selected value. # None if it could not be located or an error occurred. def find_value(self, name): if name != None: name = name.encode('utf-8') ret_val = None self._lock.acquire() if regfi.regfi_iterator_find_value(self._iter, name): ret_val = self.current_value() self._lock.release() return ret_val ## Retrieves the currently selected subkey # # @return A Key instance of the current subkey def current_subkey(self): self._lock.acquire() ret_val = Key(self._hive, regfi.regfi_iterator_cur_subkey(self._iter)) self._lock.release() return ret_val ## Retrieves the currently selected value # # @return A Value instance of the current value def current_value(self): self._lock.acquire() ret_val = Value(self._hive, regfi.regfi_iterator_cur_value(self._iter)) self._lock.release() return ret_val ## Retrieves the current key # # @return A Key instance of the current position of the iterator def current_key(self): self._lock.acquire() ret_val = Key(self._hive, regfi.regfi_iterator_cur_key(self._iter)) self._lock.release() return ret_val ## Traverse downward multiple levels # # This is more efficient than calling down() multiple times # # @param path A list of Key names which represent the path to descend # # @exception Exception If path could not be located def descend(self, path): cpath = _strlist2charss(path) self._lock.acquire() result = regfi.regfi_iterator_walk_path(self._iter, cpath) self._lock.release() if not result: # XXX: Use non-generic exception raise Exception('Could not locate path.\n'+GetLogMessages()) # Freeing symbols defined for the sake of documentation del Value.name,Value.name_raw,Value.offset,Value.data_size,Value.type,Value.flags del Key.name,Key.name_raw,Key.offset,Key.modified,Key.flags del Hive.root,Hive.modified,Hive.sequence1,Hive.sequence2,Hive.major_version,Hive.minor_version