/* * This is a really simple implementation of a stack which stores chunks * of memory of any type. It still needs work to eliminate memory * leaks. * * Copyright (C) 2005 Timothy D. Morgan * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * $Id: void_stack.c 52 2005-08-09 00:43:07Z tim $ */ #include "../include/void_stack.h" void_stack* void_stack_new(unsigned short max_size) { void_stack* ret_val = (void_stack*)malloc(sizeof(void_stack)); if (ret_val != NULL) { memset(ret_val, 0, sizeof(*ret_val)); ret_val->elements = (void**)malloc(max_size*sizeof(void*)); if (ret_val->elements == NULL) { free(ret_val); ret_val = NULL; } else { memset(ret_val->elements, 0, max_size*sizeof(void*)); ret_val->max_size = max_size; ret_val->top = 0; } } return ret_val; } void_stack* void_stack_copy(const void_stack* v) { unsigned int i; void_stack* ret_val; if(v == NULL) return NULL; ret_val = void_stack_new(v->max_size); if(ret_val == NULL) return NULL; for(i = 0; i < v->top; i++) ret_val->elements[i] = v->elements[i]; ret_val->top = v->top; return ret_val; } void_stack* void_stack_copy_reverse(const void_stack* v) { unsigned int i; void_stack* ret_val; if(v == NULL) return NULL; ret_val = void_stack_new(v->max_size); if(ret_val == NULL) return NULL; for(i = 0; i < v->top; i++) ret_val->elements[i] = v->elements[v->top-i-1]; ret_val->top = v->top; return ret_val; } void void_stack_destroy(void_stack* stack) { free(stack->elements); free(stack); } void void_stack_destroy_deep(void_stack* stack) { unsigned short i; for(i=0; i < stack->top; i++) free(stack->elements[i]); free(stack->elements); free(stack); } unsigned short void_stack_size(void_stack* stack) { return stack->top; } bool void_stack_push(void_stack* stack, void* e) { if(stack->top < stack->max_size) { stack->elements[stack->top++] = e; return true; } else return false; } void* void_stack_pop(void_stack* stack) { void* ret_val = NULL; if(stack->top > 0) { ret_val = stack->elements[--(stack->top)]; stack->elements[stack->top] = NULL; } else ret_val = NULL; return ret_val; } const void* void_stack_cur(void_stack* stack) { void* ret_val = NULL; if(stack->top > 0) ret_val = stack->elements[stack->top-1]; else ret_val = NULL; return ret_val; } void_stack_iterator* void_stack_iterator_new(void_stack* stack) { void_stack_iterator* ret_val = NULL; ret_val = (void_stack_iterator*)malloc(sizeof(void_stack_iterator)); if (ret_val != NULL) { ret_val->stack = stack; ret_val->cur = 0; } return ret_val; } void void_stack_iterator_destroy(void_stack_iterator* iter) { free(iter); } const void* void_stack_iterator_next(void_stack_iterator* iter) { if(iter->cur < iter->stack->top) return iter->stack->elements[iter->cur++]; else return NULL; }