# $Id: Makefile 34 2005-07-21 00:54:05Z tim $ # This Makefile is used only for packaging releases out of Subversion. ################################################################################ SVN_URL=svn+ssh://sentinelchicken.org/home/projects/subversion/reglookup SUB_DIRS=$(wildcard releases/release-*) trunk FILES=$(REGLOOKUP) .PHONY: all $(SUB_DIRS) clean export RELEASE_NAME=reglookup-test RELEASE_DEST=. all: @echo "Please choose one target out of: $(SUB_DIRS)." $(SUB_DIRS): rm -rf .release mkdir .release svn export $(SVN_URL)/$@/ .release/$(RELEASE_NAME) #XXX: Can this be less of a hack? cd .release/$(RELEASE_NAME)/doc && make release cd .release\ && tar cf $(RELEASE_NAME).tar $(RELEASE_NAME)\ && gzip -9 $(RELEASE_NAME).tar mv .release/$(RELEASE_NAME).tar.gz $(RELEASE_DEST) clean: rm -rf .release