import sys import os import math import statistics import gzip import random import scipy import scipy.stats import numpy # Don't trust numpy's seeding numpy.random.seed(random.SystemRandom().randint(0,2**32-1)) def mad(arr): """ Median Absolute Deviation: a "Robust" version of standard deviation. Indices variabililty of the sample. """ arr = # should be faster to not use masked arrays. med = numpy.median(arr) return numpy.median(numpy.abs(arr - med)) def cov(x,y): mx = statistics.mean(x) my = statistics.mean(y) products = [] for i in range(0,len(x)): products.append((x[i] - mx)*(y[i] - my)) return statistics.mean(products) def difference(ls): return ls[0]-ls[1] def product(ls): return ls[0]*ls[1] def hypotenuse(ls): return math.hypot(ls[0],ls[1]) def trustValues(derived, trustFunc): ret_val = [] for k,v in derived.items(): ret_val.append((trustFunc((v['long'],v['short'])), k)) ret_val.sort() return ret_val def prunedWeights(derived, trust, alpha): weights = {} threshold = len(trust)*(1.0-alpha) for i in range(0,len(trust)): if i < threshold: weights[trust[i][1]] = 1.0 else: weights[trust[i][1]] = 0.0 return weights def linearWeights(derived, trust, alpha): x1 = trust[0][0] y1 = 1.0 + (alpha*10) x2 = trust[(len(trust)-1)//3][0] y2 = 1.0 m = (y1-y2)/(x1-x2) b = y1 - m*x1 weights = {} for t,k in trust: weights[k] = m*t+b if weights[k] < 0.0: weights[k] = 0.0 return weights def invertedWeights(derived,trust,alpha): # (x+1-first_sample)^(-alpha) #scale = trust[0][0] #weights = {} #for t,k in trust: # weights[k] = (t+1-scale)**(-1.0*alpha) # if weights[k] < 0.0: # weights[k] = 0.0 weights = {} for i in range(len(trust)): w = 10.0/(i+2.0)-0.2 if w < 0.0: w = 0.0 weights[trust[i][1]] = w return weights def arctanWeights(derived,trust,alpha): shift = trust[int((len(trust)-1)*(1.0-alpha))][0] minimum = trust[0][0] weights = {} for i in range(len(trust)): w = math.pi/2.0 - math.atan(2*(trust[i][0] - shift)/(shift-minimum)) if w < 0.0: w = 0.0 weights[trust[i][1]] = w return weights def arctanWeights2(derived,trust,alpha): shift = trust[int((len(trust)-1)*(1.0-alpha))][0] minimum = trust[0][0] stretch = trust[int((len(trust)-1)*0.5)][0] - minimum # near median weights = {} for i in range(len(trust)): w = math.pi/2.0 - math.atan(3*(trust[i][0] - shift)/(shift-minimum)) if w < 0.0: w = 0.0 weights[trust[i][1]] = w return weights def midhinge(values, distance=25): return (numpy.percentile(values, 50-distance) + numpy.percentile(values, 50+distance))/2.0 def trimean(values, distance=25): return (midhinge(values, distance) + statistics.median(values))/2 def weightedMean(derived, weights): normalizer = sum(weights.values())/len(weights) return statistics.mean([w*(derived[k]['long']-derived[k]['short'])/normalizer for k,w in weights.items()]) def weightedMeanTsval(derived, weights): normalizer = sum(weights.values())/len(weights) return statistics.mean([w*(derived[k]['long_tsval']-derived[k]['short_tsval'])/normalizer for k,w in weights.items()]) def estimateMean(trustFunc, weightFunc, alpha, derived): trust = trustValues(derived, trustFunc) weights = weightFunc(derived, trust, alpha) return weightedMean(derived, weights) def estimateMeanTsval(trustFunc, weightFunc, alpha, derived): trust = trustValues(derived, trustFunc) weights = weightFunc(derived, trust, alpha) return weightedMeanTsval(derived, weights) #def estimateMedian(trustFunc, weightFunc, alpha, derived): # trust = trustValues(derived, trustFunc) # weights = weightFunc(derived, trust, alpha) # return statistics.median([(derived[k]['long']-derived[k]['short']) for k,w in weights.items() if w > 0.0]) def estimateMedian(derived): return statistics.median([(d['long']-d['short']) for d in derived.values()]) def estimateMidhinge(derived): return midhinge([(d['long']-d['short']) for d in derived.values()]) def estimateTrimean(derived): return trimean([(d['long']-d['short']) for d in derived.values()]) def tTest(expected_mean, derived): diffs = [(d['long']-d['short']) for d in derived.values()] null_tval, null_pval = scipy.stats.ttest_1samp(diffs, 0.0) tval, pval = scipy.stats.ttest_1samp(diffs, expected_mean) if pval < null_pval: return 1 else: return 0 def diffMedian(derived): l = [tc['long']-tc['short'] for s,tc in derived.items()] return statistics.median(l) def subsample_ids(db, probe_type, subsample_size=None): cursor = db.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT max(c) FROM (SELECT count(sample) c FROM probes WHERE type=? GROUP BY test_case)", (probe_type,)) population_size = cursor.fetchone()[0] #print("population_size:", population_size) if subsample_size == None or subsample_size > population_size: subsample_size = population_size start = numpy.random.random_integers(0,population_size-1) cursor.execute("SELECT sample FROM probes WHERE type=? GROUP BY sample ORDER BY sample LIMIT ? OFFSET ?", (probe_type,subsample_size,start)) for row in cursor: subsample_size -= 1 yield row['sample'] if subsample_size > 0: cursor.execute("SELECT sample FROM probes WHERE type=? GROUP BY sample ORDER BY sample LIMIT ?", (probe_type,subsample_size)) for row in cursor: yield row['sample'] def subsample(db, probe_type, subsample_size=None): cursor = db.conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT count(test_case) FROM (SELECT test_case FROM probes GROUP BY test_case)") num_test_cases = cursor.fetchone()[0] for sid in subsample_ids(db, probe_type, subsample_size): cursor.execute("SELECT test_case,tc_order,time_of_day,reported,userspace_rtt,suspect,packet_rtt,tsval_rtt FROM probes p,analysis a WHERE p.sample=? and", (sid,)) probes = cursor.fetchall() if len(probes) != num_test_cases: sys.stderr.write("WARN: sample %d had %d probes, but %d expected! Discarding...\n" % (sid, len(probes), num_test_cases)) continue yield (sid,[dict(r) for r in probes]) # if test_cases=None, include all of them. Otherwise, include only the specified test cases. def samples2Distributions(samples, field, test_cases=None): ret_val = {} for sid,probes in samples: for p in probes: if p['test_case'] in ret_val: ret_val[p['test_case']].append(p[field]) elif test_cases == None or p['test_case'] in test_cases: ret_val[p['test_case']] = [p[field]] return ret_val def samples2MeanDiffs(samples, field, unusual_case): ret_val = {} for sid,probes in samples: unusual_value = None for p in probes: if p['test_case'] == unusual_case: unusual_value = p[field] break yield statistics.mean([unusual_value-p[field] for p in probes if p['test_case'] != unusual_case]) def bootstrap(estimator, db, probe_type, test_cases, subsample_size, num_trials): ret_val = [] for t in range(num_trials): ret_val.append(estimator(test_cases, subsample(db, probe_type, subsample_size))) return ret_val def bootstrap2(estimator, db, probe_type, subsample_size, num_trials): ret_val = [] for t in range(num_trials): ret_val.append(estimator(subsample(db, probe_type, subsample_size))) return ret_val # Returns the test case name that clearly has higher RTT; otherwise, returns None def boxTest(params, test_cases, samples): if len(test_cases) != 2: # XXX: somehow generalize the box test to handle more than 2 cases raise Exception() dists = samples2Distributions(samples,'packet_rtt', test_cases) #XXX: field from params tmp1,tmp2 = dists.items() test_case1,dist1 = tmp1 test_case2,dist2 = tmp2 d1_high = numpy.percentile(dist1, params['high']) d2_low = numpy.percentile(dist2, params['low']) if d1_high < d2_low: return test_case2 d1_low = numpy.percentile(dist1, params['low']) d2_high = numpy.percentile(dist2, params['high']) if d2_high < d1_low: return test_case1 return None # Returns 1 if unusual_case is unusual in the expected direction # 0 if it isn't unusual # -1 if it is unusual in the wrong direction def multiBoxTest(params, unusual_case, greater, samples): #XXX: packet_rtt field from params dists = samples2Distributions(samples, 'packet_rtt') uc = dists[unusual_case] rest = [] for tc,d in dists.items(): if tc != unusual_case: rest.extend(d) uc_high = numpy.percentile(uc, params['high']) rest_low = numpy.percentile(rest, params['low']) if uc_high < rest_low: if greater: return -1 else: return 1 uc_low = numpy.percentile(uc, params['low']) rest_high = numpy.percentile(rest, params['high']) if rest_high < uc_low: if greater: return 1 else: return -1 return 0 # Returns 1 if unusual_case is unusual in the expected direction # 0 otherwise def midhingeTest(params, unusual_case, greater, samples): diffs = list(samples2MeanDiffs(samples, 'packet_rtt', unusual_case)) mh = midhinge(diffs, params['distance']) if greater: if mh > params['threshold']: return 1 else: return 0 else: if mh < params['threshold']: return 1 else: return 0 def rmse(expected, measurements): s = sum([(expected-m)**2 for m in measurements])/len(measurements) return math.sqrt(s) def nrmse(expected, measurements): return rmse(expected, measurements)/(max(measurements)-min(measurements))