#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Requires Python 3+ ''' Simple script to leverage some of the blobtools features Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Virtual Security Research, LLC Author: Timothy D. Morgan This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import sys import argparse import binascii from bletchley import blobtools,buffertools parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Analyzes samples of encrypted data in an attempt to decode' ' samples to binary and identify patterns useful in cryptanalysis.' ' For more information, see: http://code.google.com/p/bletchley/wiki/Overview') parser.add_argument('input_file', nargs='?', default=None, help='File containing encrypted blobs to analyze, one per' ' line. Omit to read from stdin.') parser.add_argument('-e', dest='encoding_chain', type=str, default=None, help='Comma-separated sequence of formats used to encode' ' the tokens, beginning with the last one applied. ' '(default: auto-detect. Use "?" for a listing of supported encodings.)') parser.add_argument('-b', dest='block_size', type=int, default=8, help='The block size displayed and used in highlighting (default: 8)') parser.add_argument('-p', dest='output_lines', type=int, default=10, help='Number of lines of input to display in decoded form.') parser.add_argument('-c', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='Use color output for decoded highlights.') parser.add_argument('-c256', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='Use 256 color output for decoded highlights.') options = parser.parse_args() if options.encoding_chain == '?': print('\n\t'.join(['Supported encodings:']+blobtools.supportedEncodings())) sys.exit(0) input_file = sys.stdin.buffer if options.input_file is not None: input_file = open(options.input_file, 'rb') blobs = [b for b in input_file.read().rstrip(b'\n').replace(b'\r', b'').split(b'\n') if len(b) > 0] #print(repr(blobs)) def terminalHighlightedString(code, s): global options if code == None: return s if options.c256: fg = code%216+16 bg = (code^0xffffffff)%216+16 return "\x1b[0;38;05;%d;48;05;%dm%s\x1b[0m" % (fg,bg,s) elif options.c: fg = code%6+31 bg = (code^0xffffffff)%6+41 return "\x1b[0;%d;%dm%s\x1b[0m" % (fg,bg,s) else: return "\x1b[7m%s\x1b[0m" % s def printColoredHexDump(blobs, group_size=8): line_size = 64 group_size *= 2 # two hex digits per byte hex_blobs = [binascii.b2a_hex(b) for b in blobs] color_map = buffertools.blockWiseColorMap(group_size, hex_blobs) for k in range(0,len(hex_blobs)): hex = hex_blobs[k].decode() for i in range(0,len(hex),line_size): line = '%.4X: ' % i if len(hex[i:]) < line_size: hex += (line_size-len(hex[i:]))*' ' for j in range(0,line_size,group_size): group = hex[i+j:i+j+group_size] line += terminalHighlightedString(color_map.get(group.encode('utf-8'), None), group) + ' ' line += '| ' line += repr(blobs[k][i//2:(i+line_size)//2]) print(line) print('') def analyze(blobs): lengths = blobtools.getLengths(blobs) print('Unique Lengths: ' + ','.join(map(str, lengths))) max_block_size = blobtools.maxBlockSize(lengths) print('Maximum Possible Block Size: %d' % max_block_size) block_sizes = blobtools.checkCommonBlocksizes(lengths) print('Matching Common Block Sizes: %s' % ','.join(map(str, block_sizes))) encodings = blobtools.encodingIntersection(blobs) print('Possible Encodings: ' + ','.join(encodings)) encoding = blobtools.bestEncoding(encodings) print('Best Encoding: %s' % encoding) return encoding,block_sizes specified_encodings = [] if options.encoding_chain != None: specified_encodings = options.encoding_chain.split(',') encoding_chain = [] encoding = 'dummy' while encoding != None: print('='*80) print('Beginning analysis after decoding by chain: %s' % ','.join(encoding_chain)) encoding,block_sizes = analyze(blobs) if len(specified_encodings) > 0: encoding = specified_encodings.pop(0) blobs_to_print = blobs[:options.output_lines] print('First %d Values:' % len(blobs_to_print)) printColoredHexDump(blobs_to_print, options.block_size) if encoding != None: encoding_chain.append(encoding) blobs = blobtools.decodeAll(encoding, blobs)